Floor Sanding and Polishing

With a few requirements from the end of the clients, the Adl Building Service handles the floor sanding and sanding the floor. We just need the electricity and water from the clients. Our special team assists the clients to empty the floor to be sanded. So removing all size and kind of viewable objects from sight is the first preparation step for floor sanding and polishing.

Sanding the floor:

Punching the nails remaining below the floorboards surface is the next immediate step followed by our men, they structurally repair the floors dating long back. With the aid of the defined heavyweight drums and belt sanding machines, sanding is done using coarsely graded sandpaper is done. It is the initial work that serves to level the floorboard timber belonging to any lips, and at this time the previous stains and coatings get removed.

A smaller size “edging” machine is used to sand the area where the large machines for drum sanding cannot go close to the skirting boards.

After completing with the machines, our servicemen make use of the medium grade paper to re-sand, and on finishing it with the task, the entire surface is thoroughly vacuumed. The nail holes are filled with the help of wood filler, whose color is exactly matched to the type of the wood chosen. The vacuumed surface is rendered ready for being applied with the finish coatings.

Floor Polishing:

The special base coat is applied as the first finishing coat for sealing the timber and preparing the floorboards for receiving the final coats of the finish. The first base applied raises the timber’s grain. The grain is cut back using a superfine buffing machine prior to applying the final two or more than two coats.